Administrative Agencies
Below is a list of many relevant state agencies of California. Click on the name of the California agency related to the topic you are looking for to be taken to that page.
California Department of Child Support Services
California Department of Developmental Services
California Department of Education, Child Development Division
Employment Development Department
Fair Employment and Housing Council
California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
California Department of Health Care Services
California Department of Housing and Community Development
California Department of Health Care Services - Mental Health Services
California Department of Industrial Relations- Labor Commissioner's Office
California Department of Motor Vehicles
California Department of Public Health
California Department of Social Services
California Department of Rehabilitation
California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board
Includes a link to the Administrative Procedure Act, California regulations, and all agency precedent decisions. You can also view a video, "How to Prepare for Your Appeal Hearing," to help you prepare for your hearing appealing a denial of unemployment insurance. The video is on on the agency's home page.
Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH, aka Cal/OSHA)
Agency conducts investigations rather than hearings.
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
OAH runs administrative hearings for over 1,400 state and local government agencies. OAH also has alternative dispute resolution and mediation services, which work to find a settlement agreeable to both sides. This website also has a link to the Administrative Procedure Act (part of the Government Code) that provides rules for hearings run by the OAH.
Social Security Administration (federal SSA)
Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board
For victim/witness benefits.